Thursday, February 27, 2014

Returning to Blogger-Universe and My (Overly-Ambitious) Future Plans

I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted a new blog entry. The last time I posted was October 16 and here we are now on February 27, almost four months later and I haven't fulfilled a single promise I made to you guys. So many things have happened over the past few months (finished another semester of college, went to China, started my penultimate semester of college etc.) that I'm not sure where even to start. 
The good news is that I will probably be blogging more regularly this semester not really because I have an extraordinary amount of free time on my hands but more because I am considering submitting this blog for a final project in one of my classes.

The class I am doing this for is my AAS 1100: Intro to Asian American Studies class, taught by my wonderful professor, Minh-ha Pham, who is just an amazing lecturer and so knowledgeable about...well everything (Asian American history, race and gender history, fashion, Asian food etc).

Because this semester's theme happens to be centered around Asian food and because one of the final project options is that we can submit a multi-media website about things discussed during class, I thought that maybe my blog would be fitting to submit, as the other options don't sound as appealing. The problem is that I don't always write about the most academic of things and also I don't always blog about Asian food (despite making abnormal amounts of it) so submitting something so...personal to a professor makes me kind of nervous. 

But what I am planning to do is refocus my posts on not just things I initially set out to do (which included lots and lots of baking and trying out new recipes) but also topics discussed during class about Asian-American history and the role food plays throughout it. It sounds pretty ambitious and I have no guarantees I can even do it but seeing as I cook pretty often and even keep detailed food diary entries (for class, of course), I might as well be putting all that work into something useful and constructive for the future. And hopefully I may not even have to do a final essay at the end of the semester, which this year would really suck because I have four huge exams during the first three days of finals. And plus, who knows, it could be really fun and enlightening to relate things I do on this blog to things I learn during class.

SO here's the new plan for the rest of the semester:
  • I will try to blog regularly and post something on Fridays (probably Friday nights)
  • I will try to introduce new recipes I've tried recently OR will try to write some more academically-oriented entries on things I've learned in class so far
  • As I do this on a regular basis, I will be updating my Instagram account regularly about things I have done
  • Hopefully, sometime during the semester (if I can get some extra help) I might post short video blogs (I highly doubt I can even finish one as putting a video together takes a lot of work...also I have some issues with putting my face online haha
Oh boy, this looks like too much already. we go, guys! First real blog post of 2014  will be up tomorrow and it's will be about something absolutely AMAZING I made yesterday.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot my Pusheen picture for the day ;) She takes better selfies than some people I know. 

ALSO, I've also posted a link to my Instagram. Feel free to check that (and also my Pinterest account) out! :)

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