About Me

The Story of Procrastibaker
Hello World! Like the description says, I'm just a food-obsessed college student who loves to bake and write about random nonsense online. Although I am an amateur baker at most, I have spent the past year experimenting quite a bit and believe I have learned some valuable things about baking and food that I want to share with people.
Pusheen-cake anyone?
I started cooking/baking during the summer of 2012, my first ever summer break away from home. And let's just say, at that point in my life, I was at a real low. I had just come off of a grueling semester at school only to get severely sick and land in the hospital mere days after I had gone home. Severely bedridden, I had probably only a week and a half to recover before I had to fly back East for my summer job and during that time, I was really questioning whether it was a good idea to be so far away from home and my family, if I was going to be sick all the time. When my parents mentioned to me the idea of transferring back to California permanently, however, I grew cold at the thought of leaving school and abandoning all the work I killed myself doing to get there and resolved to get better as soon as possible. I miraculously recovered during the next seven days, enough to get on the plane back to school, but not without severe doubts about my health and my future prospects. 

So I arrived back at school and while I physically felt better than ever (still couldn't do strenuous exercise), I was terrified of living alone without my parents there to help me if god forbid, I had such an accident again. Sure I had my job and I was slowly making friends, but for the first few days, I really felt truly alone...and lost.
Okay, I wasn't that upset...
After a few days of moping around and crying on the phone to my parents, I gathered enough energy to take a trip to the local supermarket (a beautiful place by the way) and buy the ingredients for my dad's Tomato and Egg Stew which I shakily cooked up when I got home, along with rice. While it really was a struggle to nail the right balance of flavors, in the end, I managed to concoct something pretty close to the original and for the first time since I had come back, I felt right at home. Really, it felt like my dad was there, and he had cooked up this beautiful simple dish for me, just like the way he used to and from that moment on, I knew that I was going to be okay. I honestly can't describe it but it's truly such a magical feeling, when you realize how much food can put you right back in your happy place and remind you of home. 
Can you tell I'm happy?
So ever since then, food has become a big part of my life and eventually, I grew confidant enough to try my hand at baking, something I had always wanted to try anyway. When I brought my first batch of brownie pops to work as a birthday present for one of my lab-mates and people raved over them, I knew that I had at last, found something I truly loved to do, something I could share with the people around me

I started this blog after the realization that if I loved food so much, why should I sit on my butt and not share all of my food experiences with everyone, if so many bloggers are out there, inspiring new generations of home cooks, with their friendly stories, fast recipes, and beautiful photos? I wanted in on it too! So ~procrastibaking~ was born.

I know that I'm still new at this and that no one really knows (or cares) about my little blog, since there are billions out there, but I hope to reach anyone who is into food or is searching for a new direction in life to try to try cooking/baking for themselves and see how wonderful it is. It is truly soul-saving, it really is. Without food, I wouldn't be where I am today and certainly, not as happy or healthy. And for everything food has brought back into my life again, I am truly very grateful. 

So guys, what are you guys doing still reading my blog? Get off your butt and go eat/cook/bake!
You heard her. Do it!

To all the people I know and love, thank you for everything. You guys are simply the best!
Special thanks to: 
My mom and dad, my very best friends in the whole wide world (you guys know who you are), and my lab-mates (you guys saved me last summer haha).
Can't get enough of Pusheen. I want a fat cat just like her.
For more information on Pusheen, please, please go visit her website. All images of Pusheen that I use for the site are not mine but belong to her owner Claire Belton and are only what I steal off Google images. To Mrs. Belton, thank you so much for creating Pusheen and helping my site find its heart and cute quirkiness (and also for letting me steal your pictures). To repay you, I will certainly be purchasing Pusheen related material including her new book (coming out in October) in the future.

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