Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Forgive me, oh culinary gods, for I have majorly sinned...

P.S: btw folks, HAPPY FALL !! :)
So. I knew I was totally lying when I promised I would post regularly every week and keep you guys updated on all the shenanigans I have been up to this semester. Turns out this semester has been crazier than I had originally planned it to be and we are a month and a half later, with no new blog post. I honestly should be sent to hell for making promises I know I can't keep. BUT I have been cooking/baking/doing culinary explorations I swear! I kinda have to, or else I'd really starve. It's just really hard to blog when you just want to eat dinner and get onto the next 10 million things on your to-do list. 
Hopefully I will have time this semester to update you all on the things I have been up to this semester but for now, I leave you all with more Pusheen and a real promise to blog more in the future! So that's it for today, hope y'all have a great, great day!  

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