Saturday, March 15, 2014

China 2014 Reflections

Because my huge midterm for AAS 1100 was this past Thursday and because recently I've been feeling rather reflective and nostalgic, I thought it would be appropriate to write down some thoughts about my trip to China during my winter break. I know this post was supposed to put up last week but I'll be honest, I had a lot of difficulty writing this. There were just so many feelings that I didn't know how to articulate into words. But hopefully, I was able to do it some justice in the end.

So why is my trip relevant to this class, you may ask? Well, if you take a closer look at the semi-essay/reflection below, here are some thoughts I've been bottling up for quite some time.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Introducing My New YOLO Series and Ep.1: Chocolate Irish Cream Cake

Despite what I said about my mission to direct my blog in more academic directions for this semester, there are sometimes those days when I need an excuse to let loose and bake whatever the heck I want, no matter how much time I don't have to spare or the amount of butter that goes into the recipe. After all, that's what ~procrastibaking~ was originally about right? Can't stray too far from my roots. 

SO...what I have decided to do is, in addition to my weekly academic posts, I will be starting a new blogging series simply titled "YOLO Baking Challenge" for now, in which I get to do something that's not very much not part of my normal baking repertoire, something so indulgent/fancy/overly-ambitious that I can only try it once for both practical and financial reasons. They will not be weekly posts. but I guess at minimum, they will probably be once or twice a month, depending on how busy I am with exams/papers/lab (although that hasn't really deterred me in the past hehehe).