I mean, it was fine. Nothing special, but nothing very exciting either. Maybe it's because it's almost August. Maybe because I'm about to go back to school in 20 days. Maybe it's because my birthday is Sunday and I feel terrified of beginning a new decade in my life. Or maybe it's because I'm in withdrawal from a two-day long writer's high. I dunno.
Gosh, I hate being a girl sometimes. It makes me so damn moody.
So...the Ten Commandments of Procrastibaking:
Procrastibaking, according to Urban Dictionary, is really what it sounds like. It's what a compulsive, passionate baker does when they don't want to do whatever they're really supposed to be doing. I stumbled upon this term a few months ago and I knew, as soon as I read it, that I was one of these guilty bakers. Who probably should not have made those 20 banana bread muffins at 10 o'clock the night before her Biochemistry test. But in my defense, everyone needs hobbies right? Especially college students. They have it the worst. At my school, you'd probably need to go to an insane asylum just to catch your breath and mentally recover from a really grueling week.
Point aside, whether you are a procrastibaker or just a person wanting to satisfy your midnight heroin-like craving for chocolate chip cookies, there are still a few rules to baking that you need to observe.
(In hindsight, I really should change my title to just "the Ten Commandments of Baking" because technically there is no difference between the two, other than the fact that one is slightly bad and the other one not)